Mailing and Delivery Services!

We deliver within Baldwin County!

Yes, you read that right. You can enjoy mailing or delivery of your medications when you use Pure Life Pharmacy!

It’s not always easy to drive to Foley, Alabama, to pick up your compounds or generic medications. It’s also not necessary to expose yourself to anyone who may be sick in a waiting room or lobby. So what’s the solution? We come to you! We pride ourselves on being the biggest little pharmacy around, and we will not let distance keep you from using our services. Our in house delivery driver will personally deliver your medications directly to your home.

Delivery is great for:

  • People wanting to avoid potentially sick patients in waiting rooms or lobbies.
  • People who have ambulatory trouble or have trouble leaving the house.
  • Patients who have medications that need to be filled every month but don’t care to make the monthly drive to the pharmacy.
  • People who live too far away to stop by and pick up their medications in Foley (even if it means you can enjoy a free cup of coffee).
  • People on a tight budget and use our pharmacy to save on their medication bills but would lose the savings on gas money driving to a pharmacy.
  • People who are too busy even to consider driving to a pharmacy to pick up their medications.
  • People who think it’s fun to see the “Drug Bug” driving around their neighborhood.

If you would like us to deliver your medications for you, call us! We will transfer your prescriptions from your current pharmacy to Pure Life Pharmacy for you. We also mail to Alabama and Florida ONLY.

Be on the lookout for the Pure Life Pharmacy Drug Bug!

White Cartoon Delivery Car for Pure Life Pharmacy in Foley, Alabama with man waving to you